Vue 2 Basics (Legacy Quiz)
  • Vue 2 Basics (Legacy Quiz)

    Vue (pronounced /vjuː/, like view) is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Test your knowledge of Vue 2 basics.

    10 Questions
  • 1

    Lifecycle Hooks

    Select invalid Vue Lifecycle Hooks, if any.

  • 2


    What are Components?

  • 3

    Data Option

    data must be a function when passed into Vue Component.

  • 4


    A prop is…

  • 5

    Data Communication

    Parent-child relationship of the component can be summarised as props down and events up.

  • 6


    When passing down a number via prop, like this, some-prop="1"

  • 7


    Properties in data are only reactive, if they existed when the instance was _____

  • 8


    Shorthand syntax for v-bind is :.

  • 9


    Given the one-way-down binding between child property and the parent, if you attempt to tranform the raw value of a prop from child…

  • 10


    It is not possible for a component to specify validation requirements for the props it is receiving.